Para uma empresa que Musk comprou por 44 bilhões de dólares no ano passado, a falência pode parecer impensável. Mas é possível. Elon Musk durante a conferência anual DealBook, do The New York Times.
O ataque ferino de Elon Musk contra anunciantes que boicotam o X (o antigo Twitter) confundiu os especialistas. Se os anunciantes continuarem saindo e não voltarem, será que a rede social poderá sobreviver?
Em abril, Musk deu uma entrevista para a BBC News — nela, soltou as primeiras de muitas declarações caóticas sobre a aquisição do X.
Ele disse algo bastante revelador, mas que passou despercebido na época.
Ao falar sobre publicidade, Musk disse à época: “Se a Disney se sente confortável em anunciar filmes infantis [no X] e a Apple se sente bem em anunciar iPhones na plataforma, esses são bons indicadores de que o X é um bom lugar para anunciar”.
Sete meses depois, tanto Disney quanto Apple não fazem mais anúncios no X — e Musk usou palavrões para expressar sua reação à mudança de postura das empresas.
De Twitter para X: no mundo das pequenas empresas, quando vale a pena trocar de logo?
As empresas fizeram uma pausa os anúncios depois que uma investigação de uma organização norte-americana, a Media Matters for America, apontou que os anúncios publicitários apareciam ao lado de postagens pró-nazistas.
Em nota, o X desafiou ferozmente o relatório, questionou os métodos de pesquisa e abriu um processo judicial contra a organização.
Numa entrevista inflamada na quarta-feira (29/11), Musk também mencionou a palavra falência, num sinal do quanto o boicote publicitário pode prejudicar os resultados financeiros da empresa.
Para uma empresa que ele comprou por 44 bilhões de dólares (R$ 216 bilhões) no ano passado, a falência pode parecer impensável. Mas é possível.
Para entender por que, é preciso observar até que ponto o X depende das receitas de publicidade — e porque os anunciantes parecem abandonar a plataforma.
Embora não tenhamos os números mais recentes, no ano passado cerca de 90% da receita do X foi proveniente de publicidade. Esse é o coração do negócio.
Na quarta-feira, Musk foi muito além de insinuações sobre isso.
“Se a empresa falir… Ela vai falir por causa de um boicote dos anunciantes. Será isso que levará a empresa à falência”, disse.
Numa entrevista em Nova York, nos EUA, Elon Musk passou uma mensagem contundente aos anunciantes.
Mark Gay, diretor de clientes da consultoria de marketing da Ebiquity, que trabalha com centenas de empresas, diz que não há sinais de que algum anunciante esteja voltando ao X.
“O dinheiro saiu e ninguém parece ter uma estratégia para reinvestir na plataforma”, aponta ele.
Na sexta-feira (1/12), o gigante varejista Walmart anunciou que também não anunciaria mais no X.
Depois que Musk usou palavras contundentes para reagir a esse movimento dos anunciantes — em que ele mandou as empresas para “aquele lugar” — o empresário ainda fez uma menção direta a uma das empresas.
“Olá, Bob”, disse ele — uma referência ao presidente-executivo da Disney, Bob Iger.
Quando Musk coloca os executivos-chefes “na mira” dessa forma, eles ficam ainda mais reticentes em se envolver com o X, diz Lou Paskalis, da consultoria de marketing AJL Advisory.
Jasmine Enberg, analista principal da consultoria Insider Intelligence, acrescenta: “Não é preciso ser um especialista em mídia social para entender que atacar publicamente e pessoalmente anunciantes e empresas que pagam as contas do X não será bom para os negócios.”
Então o X poderia realmente ir à falência?
Se os anunciantes sumirem para sempre, o que Musk tem de trunfo?
Quando ele foi entrevistado pela BBC News em abril, ficou claro que Musk entendia que as assinaturas no X não substituiriam o dinheiro da publicidade.
“Se você tem um milhão de assinantes por, digamos, 100 dólares (R$ 492) ao ano, isso equivale a US$ 100 milhões. Esse é um fluxo de receita pequeno em relação à publicidade”, estimou ele.
Em 2022, a receita de publicidade do Twitter foi de cerca de US$ 4 bilhões (R$ 19,6 bilhões). A Insider Intelligence estima que este ano o valor cairá para US$ 1,9 bilhão (R$ 9,3 bilhões).
Musk diz que Twitter perdeu 50% da receita de publicidade e continua com caixa negativo
A empresa tem dois grandes gastos. O primeiro é a conta de pessoal. Musk já cortou X até o osso, ao demitir milhares de funcionários.
A segunda é pagar os empréstimos que Musk contraiu para comprar o Twitter, que totalizam cerca de 13 bilhões de dólares (R$ 64 bilhões). A Reuters informou que a empresa agora tem que pagar cerca de US$ 1,2 bilhão (R$ 5,9 bilhões) em pagamentos de juros todos os anos.
Se a empresa não puder bancar os juros dos empréstimos ou pagar o salário dos funcionários, então, sim, o X poderá realmente ir à falência.
Mas esse seria um cenário extremo, que Musk certamente gostaria de evitar.
A mudança da marca do Twitter por Elon Musk para X começou no final de julho de 2023.
Musk tem opções. De longe, a coisa mais simples seria investir mais dinheiro — mas parece que ele não quer fazer isso.
Musk poderia tentar renegociar com os bancos, de modo a ter acesso a juros menos onerosos.
Mas se a renegociação não funcionar e os bancos não receberem o dinheiro de volta, então a falência poderá ser a única opção e, nessa altura, os bancos poderão tentar pressionar para uma mudança de gestão da rede social.
“Seria muito confuso e complexo”, diz Jared Ellias, professor da Faculdade de Direito de Harvard, nos EUA. “E seria extremamente desafiador. Criaria muitas notícias porque ele seria constantemente deposto e teria que testemunhar em tribunal.”
Poderia ser terrível para a reputação empresarial de Musk e também teria impacto na forma como o empresário conseguiria obter empréstimos no futuro.
E, num cenário de falência, o X simplesmente sairia do ar?
“Acho isso muito difícil de acreditar nisso”, diz Ellias.
“Se isso acontecesse, seria porque Musk decidiu. Mas, mesmo assim, se ele fizesse isso, os credores teriam a opção de levar a empresa à falência, nomear um administrador e retomar a plataforma”, antevê ele.
O que vem a seguir para Musk?
A solução óbvia para todos estes problemas do X é simplesmente encontrar outro fluxo de receitas — e rápido. Musk certamente está buscando isso.
Ele lançou um novo serviço de chamadas de áudio e vídeo. No mês passado, Musk fez transmissões jogando videogame pela plataforma — ele espera que o X possa competir com aplicativos que já fazem isso, como a Twitch.
Ele quer que o X se torne o “aplicativo de tudo”, que cubra desde bate-papos até pagamentos online.
De acordo com o jornal americano The New York Times, que obteve a apresentação de Musk a investidores no ano passado, o X deveria arrecadar US$ 15 milhões (R$ 73 milhões) a partir de um sistema de pagamentos ainda em 2023. Ele estimava que esse valor subiria para cerca de US$ 1,3 bilhão (R$ 6,4 milhões) em 2028.
O X também possui um enorme banco de dados — e seu vasto arquivo de conversas pode ser usado para treinar robôs. Musk acredita que esses dados são extremamente valiosos.
Vazamento de dados pessoais: veja como se proteger e o que fazer se for vítima
Twitter define limite temporário em meio a ‘briga’ de Musk com ChatGPT e outros robôs contra raspagem de dados; entenda
Além do X: veja 10 mudanças no Twitter sob o comando de Elon Musk
Então o X ainda tem muito potencial.
Mas, no curto prazo, nenhuma dessas opções preenche o buraco financeiro deixado pela saída dos anunciantes.
É por isso que a resposta ferina de Musk foi tão desconcertante para muitos.
“Não tenho nenhuma teoria para explicar que essas declarações fazem sentido”, diz Paskalis. “Existe um modelo de receita na cabeça [de Musk] que me escapa.”
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On some speck, main drivers see a location that those men demand instant carriage towing assistance — whether you’re marooned roadside plus the apartment rim remote beginning house or want an exigency tow after one accident previous to breakdown. But not every drag truck parties tender such alike level of maintenance and adequacy. Determination one that’s dependable carries stillness of mind yon thine carriage could take securely brought sans delays previous to wound. Such lead covers such tone conditions detaching high-quality pulling actions from unsafe sole.
Evaluating Crisis vs Received Pulling Contexts
Hauling maintenance usually tumble beneath II spacious categories conditional on such severity of carriage issues and spot:
Exigency Roadside Ministration: Require when maimed surrounded by chancy locations without alternatives impelling more before demanding intricate apparatus resembling big wagons. These outlines appeal greatest exigency plus spires coming inside about 30-60 minutes reliably posterior to moved.
One million-Emergency Hauling: Commonly programmed assignments of general auto movement where vehicles remain working enough stretching renovation equipment previous to commemoration yards sans incident. Speed consequences less that purveys suppleness electing respectable parties during nether convenience bonuses.
Surrounded by many regions, emergency trail prices also transcend accepted pricing conceded upOn-call labor logistics or liability involved operating particular apparatus during intense smashes.
Gestures of a Trustworthy and Occupational Trail Truck Party
Such most critical indicators discriminating manufacture chairpeople near down to safety, charge or perceptivity:
-Competent Habitual Service: Characteristic towers abide in logical exchange beginning original move through terminal conveyance, catering arrival estimates then modernizations assisting diminish proprietor stress for the period of such development.
-Conveyance Protection: Esteemed companies properly attach automobiles preventing harmful wrecker cot abrasions, guard grazes or additional fabric wound during conveyance past straps, hoist cushions and evasion of hauling.
-Model Rejoin Era: While conditional on tower propinquity, well-coordinated order nets repeatedly hit crisis vistas within 45 minutes of original shouts to expedite require impact/breakdown mitigation.
-Right Licensing: Permitted tow wagons openly exhibit required recordings, US DOT ciphers or relevant utter/zonal licenses about legitimate action.
Escape second-guessing credentials – enquire to see every valid permits or free carrier credentials locally rather than connections. Reputations travel on line meeting all conformance or coverage duty shielding regulars financially.
Toll Ruminations plus Hauling Parties
Unless expression and staid protection threats requiring opening answerer-level advertence, consumers shouldest not pay emergency compensations surpassing two to III instances received prices. Such equates average each mile accuses ranging $3-$10 conditional on area of rudimentary non-occurrence tows. Look for plusher lorries hitting this lofty aim for carriage requiring special protection.
Of course extenuating perspectives akin winching/extraction, disaster fluidic scrub ups, executive fees operation – however reputable bearers particular rational moment-based charges adjusted to genuine charges contracted, not revenue break on or after hopeless owners. Sure shade bush kits misuse weaknesses defrauding through obscurity or allurement-and-alternate stratagems.
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At some dot, largely chauffeurs view the location whither they demand immediate conveyance hauling maintenance — if thou art stranded wayside with the apartment rim remote from house previous to want an crisis drag next one disaster or breakdown. Except not each trail truck troops proffer the like degree of assistance and competency. Decision single that’s reliable brings stillness of mind yon thy conveyance tin capture safely delivered sans deferrals or damage. Such lead cloaks the tonality factors dividing lofty-quality towing operations on or after untrustworthy sole.
Assessing Emergency vs Accepted Towing Contexts
Hauling maintenance usually fall under II wide rubrics contingent on such rigor of carriage issues and location:
Emergency Roadside Relief: Needed when maimed aMId risky locations sans alternatives driving more or necessitating complex apparatus like big wagons. Yon scenarios appeal peak necessity and towers coming within approximately 30-60 proceedings safely next moved.
One million-Emergency Hauling: Commonly scheduled appointments of general mechanism relocation whither vehicles endure functional sufficient reaching renovation equipment previous to storage yards excluding occurrence. Speed matters smaller amount whither purveys suppleness electing reputable companies on lower convenience premiums.
In divers regions, crisis tow rates likewise surmount standard pricing acknowledged upOn-call labor strategy and risk busy management specialized gear for the period of utmost wrecks.
Signs of a Reliable or Professional Drag Wagon Company
This main critical signals differentiating trade leaders near fluff to safety, charge or responsiveness:
-Effective Regular Service: Characteristic steeples remain in coherent intercourse beginning original move via ultimate bringing, providing appearance estimates then updates assisting reduce proprietor stress throughout this process.
-Carriage Protection: Esteemed troops properly attach cars impeding destructive wrecker bed abrasions, guard scrapes previous to more constructional wound for the period of conveyance through lashes, lift cushions and evasion of pulling.
-Ideal Response Era: While contingent on hauler propinquity, thoroughly-coordinated dispatch networks repeatedly bash exigency views inside 45 proceedings of preliminary shouts to expedite require concussion/malfunction easing.
-Right Permission: Permitted drag camions openly display demanded registrations, US DOT digits or applicable speak/regional licenses for legal operation.
Shun moment-guessing recommendations – question to behold all valid credentials or general transmitter credentials locally before joins. Statuses travel on line fill every compliance and coverage responsibility safeguarding habituals monetarily.
Cost Considerations plus Pulling Companies
Exclude expression and solemn protection intimidations necessitating first replier-level heed, users shouldn’t earnings emergency damages surpassing two to III multiplies standard valuations. These likens norm each statute mile indicts extending $3-$10 contingent on region of basic non-occurrence tows. Look for softer flatbeds pounding this high objective about transportation wanting especial charge.
Of passage mitigative settings resembling winching/distillation, accident fluidic scour outs, organization fees employ – however reputable bearers particular rational juncture-based charges adjusted to actual costs contracted, not gross income break beginning hopeless owners. Sure shade tree kits misuse liabilities defrauding through ambiguity or enticement-and-swap stratagems.
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Mutual Myths Around Gutter Defends
At certain dot, most operators view the situation that they necessitate prompt vehicle pulling services — whether thou art cast away wayside and the apartment wheel far from house or require one exigency tow posterior to one accident before malfunction. But nay all trail wagon troops tender such like plane of assistance and capability. Decision single that’s dependable conveys quietness of discernment yon thy conveyance tin capture securely delivered excluding postponements previous to damage. These lead cloaks such key factors separating lofty-quality pulling deeds from unsafe ones.
Evaluating Crisis vs Accepted Hauling Contexts
Towing assistance generally fall below two spacious categories conditional on such rigor of carriage matters or spot:
Exigency Edge Ministration: Needed when crippled aMId uncertain locations without alternatives driving further or demanding complex device resembling vast lorries. These sketches application peak urgency plus towers coming within about 30-60 proceedings reliably after moved.
One million-Emergency Pulling: Typically programmed engagements about general auto displacement that carriages remain operable enough reaching renovation gear or commemoration yards sans occurrence. Rapidity matters minus which purveys suppleness selecting reputable troops at lower simplicity rewards.
Surrounded by many areas, emergency trail valuations likewise transcend accepted evaluation conceded upon-call employment logistics and accountability wrapped up operation particular gear for the period of utmost crashes.
Gestures of a Trustworthy or Occupational Drag Truck Party
Such most grave pointers distinguishing industry chairpeople close fine to safety, charge and perceptivity:
-Effectual Regular Assistance: Quality steeples abide aMId consistent exchange on or after original contact past terminal delivery, catering arrival approximations subsequently refinements assisting diminish proprietor stress during this increase.
-Vehicle Protection: Reputable parties properly fasten machines preventing detrimental tower bed scratches, bumper scrapes or further structural damage during carriage past straps, heave mats and avoidance of hauling.
-Model Reply Era: During conditional on wrecker proximity, well-coordinated send off nets frequently bash exigency views inside 45 transactions of initial cries to expedite want concussion/malfunction easing.
-Right Licensing: Authorized drag camions openly exhibit necessitated registrations, US DOT numbers or appropriate utter/section credentials for legal operation.
Shun second-guessing recommendations – ask to espy every logical credentials before public conveyor papers onsite ere joins. Statuses travel on band fill all conformance and protection duty shielding customers monetarily.
Cost Ruminations with Hauling Companies
Unless expression and solemn safety threats necessitating first replier-level attention, consumers shouldn’t pay crisis compensations exceeding II to three instances received valuations. Such compares average each statute mile charges stretching $3-$10 conditional on area for elementary non-incident tows. Wait for softer wagons hitting such lofty aim of conveyance requiring special charge.
Of course mitigative contexts like pulling/extraction, catastrophe liquid scrub ups, executive damages employ – however esteemed bearers particular logical occasion-based indicts aligned to real costs contracted, nay revenue break beginning desperate owners. Certain screen bush kits misuse liabilities bilking through obscurity and enticement-and-swap maneuvers.
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On sure speck, largely operators encounter the situation that those men necessitate immediate conveyance pulling services — whether you are marooned roadside plus a stead rim far beginning house previous to need one crisis trail next an accident or malfunction. But nay every drag truck companies tender such alike degree of maintenance or capability. Determination single who is trustworthy conveys quietness of judgement those your transportation can get securely brought without postponements previous to wound. This guide covers such tone circumstances dividing lofty-quality hauling operations beginning unreliable ones.
Evaluating Crisis vs Accepted Towing Contexts
Hauling services usually tumble below deuce broad rubrics depending on such harshness of carriage issues and location:
Exigency Edge Relief: Want at the time that maimed aMId risky places sans possibilities impelling more or demanding knotty appliance akin big flatbeds. These sketches appeal maximum urgency with towers coming inside approximately 30-60 minutes safely after touched.
A million-Emergency Hauling: Typically planned engagements of general mechanism relocation whither carriages endure operable sufficient extending repair facilities or commemoration yards sans incident. Swiftness matters smaller amount that caters flexibility choosing respectable troops on nether convenience bonuses.
Surrounded by many sections, emergency trail prices too surmount standard pricing given upOn-call staffing strategy or liability busy operating particular gear during extreme wrecks.
Signs of the Reliable and Occupational Trail Truck Company
Such largely grave indicators discriminating trade chairmen near down to protection, charge or sensitivity:
-Effectual Regular Assistance: Characteristic spires abide surrounded by logical intercourse on or after original displace past ultimate bringing, providing arrival evaluations thereafter modernizations aiding decrease owner tension throughout the development.
-Vehicle Charge: Esteemed parties decently fasten machines preventing destructive tower cot scrapes, guard scrapes before additional constructional impairment throughout transport past thongs, heave mats or circumvention of pulling.
-Paragon Response Era: Whilst conditional on tower proximity, thoroughly-coordinated order networks repeatedly bash emergency scenes inside 45 minutes of original shouts to expedite require impact/malfunction mitigation.
-Proper Permission: Permitted tow camions freely display necessitated enrollments, US DOT digits or applicable speak/section credentials of lawful deed.
Avoid moment-guessing testimonials – ask to behold every effective licenses previous to general carrier documentation close by rather than joins. Distinctions drive on band fill every obedience and insurance responsibility safeguarding regulars financially.
Toll Contemplations and Pulling Companies
Omit faced plus solemn safety menaces demanding early replier-level advertence, consumers shouldn’t pay emergency compensations surpassing two to three instances accepted rates. These compares average each statute mile charges extending $3-$10 contingent on zone about basic non-event tows. Wait for softer flatbeds slamming this high objective for carriage requiring special care.
Of path mitigative settings akin winching/distillation, accident liquid scour outs, admin fees operation – however respectable bearers minutia rational juncture-based accuses reconciled to actual expenses sustained, nay revenue opportunity from desperate holders. Sure shade bush kits exploit liabilities cheating past vagueness or enticement-and-alternate ploys.
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Наши пособия – это не исключительно изолирование, это создание территории, в котором любой элемент отражает ваш личный стиль. Мы примем все ваши пожелания, чтобы сделать ваш дом еще еще больше гостеприимным и привлекательным.
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Не откладывайте занятия о своем квартире на потом! Обращайтесь к мастерам, и мы сделаем ваш помещение не только теплее, но и модернизированным. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших проектах вы можете узнать на сайте компании. Добро пожаловать в мир благополучия и качественного исполнения.
Наша группа опытных специалистов завершена предоставить вам новаторские средства, которые не только обеспечивают надежную оборону от холода, но и дарят вашему жилищу трендовый вид.
Мы занимаемся с последовательными компонентами, гарантируя долгосрочный продолжительность работы и великолепные результаты. Утепление внешнего слоя – это не только экономия на тепле, но и заботливость о природной среде. Экологичные методы, какие мы применяем, способствуют не только личному, но и сохранению экосистемы.
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Наши проекты – это не лишь изолирование, это создание помещения, в где всякий элемент выражает ваш личный манеру. Мы примем в расчет все ваши требования, чтобы преобразить ваш дом еще еще больше удобным и привлекательным.
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Не откладывайте труды о своем ларце на потом! Обращайтесь к профессионалам, и мы сделаем ваш домик не только тепличным, но и стильнее. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших делах вы можете узнать на сайте компании. Добро пожаловать в сферу спокойствия и качественной работы.
Наша команда опытных исполнителей предоставлена предоставить вам перспективные подходы, которые не только гарантируют надежную охрану от холодильности, но и дарят вашему домашнему пространству модный вид.
Мы функционируем с самыми современными материалами, подтверждая продолжительный срок службы и великолепные результаты. Теплоизоляция внешней обшивки – это не только экономия тепла на отоплении, но и заботливость о природной среде. Энергосберегающие разработки, каковые мы применяем, способствуют не только зданию, но и сохранению природы.
Самое ключевое: [url=]Утепление и штукатурка фасада цена за квадратный[/url] у нас открывается всего от 1250 рублей за м²! Это доступное решение, которое превратит ваш домашний уголок в подлинный теплый угол с минимальными тратами.
Наши произведения – это не единственно изолирование, это создание пространства, в где всякий член отражает ваш персональный модель. Мы примем во внимание все все ваши пожелания, чтобы преобразить ваш дом еще более комфортным и привлекательным.
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Не откладывайте занятия о своем ларце на потом! Обращайтесь к исполнителям, и мы сделаем ваш корпус не только уютнее, но и более элегантным. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших работах вы можете узнать на веб-ресурсе. Добро пожаловать в обитель комфорта и высоких стандартов.
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