Vídeos curtos, sem propaganda no meio e a autenticidade do conteúdo fazem com que jovens e adolescentes entrem primeiro na ‘ex-rede das dancinhas’ para tirar dúvidas gerais. Jovens estão trocando o Google pelo TikTok na hora fazer pesquisas
“Qualquer coisa que eu quero saber, eu não abro o Google. Eu busco no TikTok e sempre tem respostas sobre coisas específicas”. Essa é a experiência da estudante de pedagogia Elisa Bestetti, de 25 anos, usando o TikTok como buscador. Mas ela não está sozinha.
Em seu perfil na plataforma, Elisa postou um vídeo com o título “TikTok é o novo Google?” em que aborda esse tema. Nos comentários, muitos concordam e relatam suas experiências. “Eu também sempre pesquiso aqui primeiro 😂”, respondeu uma pessoa. “Aprendi matéria da faculdade pelo tiktok KKKKKKKK”, disse outra.
“O melhor é quando você tem alguma dúvida vendo um vídeo e a resposta está na barra de pesquisa”, respondeu um usuário. Isso acontece porque a rede social recomenda outros vídeos relacionados na aba “Procurar” dentro do campo de comentários.
Especialistas ouvidas pelo g1 dizem que essa tendência, de fato, existe, e a forma como o TikTok exibe as respostas explica esse comportamento (entenda abaixo). O g1 conversou com três jovens que listaram alguns motivos que os fazem escolher a “ex-rede das dancinhas🕺” para procurar coisas:
🔎 mesmo que o tema seja muito específico, as entrevistadas dizem que é mais fácil encontrar uma informação ou curiosidade no TikTok;
🗣️ elas dizem que sempre tem um especialista/profissional em determinado assunto que produz e compartilha várias dicas. A constância do conteúdo no perfil passa mais segura, segundo elas (ainda assim, é preciso conhecer bem esse criador para não cair em fake news);
✅ autenticidade: os jovens alegam que sempre tem pessoas reais que visitam lugares e testam produtos verdadeiros e, em algumas ocasiões, fazem análises sinceras;
🤚 ao contrário do YouTube, alguns usuários dizem preferir o TikTok para pesquisa porque os vídeos são curtos e não têm propaganda no meio;
🔗para Lu Cunha, que é professora de literatura do Objetivo, “o Google é muito bom como fonte de informação, só que, dependendo do que você busca, ele apresenta muitas páginas sobre aquele assunto e pode ser difícil de você selecionar exatamente aquela que vai te atender”.
“No TikTok, tem sempre alguém dando uma dica e ensinando outras pessoas. Às vezes, é coisa simples, tipo: ‘como tirar mancha de caneta da roupa sem estragar ela'”, diz Elisa Bestetti, ao g1.
Já a dentista Ana Luiza Rocha, de 23 anos, classifica a busca da plataforma como “surreal”. Ela diz que, ao inserir algumas palavras, sem precisar do contexto geral do assunto, a rede social consegue entregar o que ela quer saber.
“Se eu quero encontrar uma manicure na minha cidade, no Google e no Instagram só vai aparecer salão de beleza. No TikTok, qualquer manicure que utilize a localização que eu estou buscando e coloca #unhas vai aparecer o vídeo dela e eu consigo ver o trabalho e até a história dessa profissional”, afirma Ana Luiza.
A auxiliar de pedagogia Larissa Figueiredo, de 19 anos, conta ao g1 que começou a usar o TikTok como Google um pouco depois da pandemia de Covid-19 e nunca mais parou.
“Sempre que quero saber a opinião das pessoas sobre alguma marca, receita de comida que não conheço, dicas para facilitar a vida ou até questões sobre beleza, eu pesquiso primeiro lá”, conta.
Procurada, a ByteDance, dona do TikTok, não deu muitos detalhes da tecnologia por trás da busca da rede social. “Não acredito que seja uma questão de algoritmo”, diz ao g1 Daniela Okuma, diretora geral de negócios do TikTok no Brasil.
“O que acontece é que, de maneira geral, o TikTok se diferencia pela autenticidade e criatividade dos conteúdos. Em relação à ferramenta de busca, quando uma pessoa faz uma pesquisa, vai encontrar vídeos autênticos que lhe vão ser úteis”, completa.
E como ficam os conteúdos problemáticos? 🔎
Seja em redes sociais ou até mesmo nos buscadores, como Google e Bing, o usuário não pode acreditar em tudo o que é mostrado ali, alerta Kelli Angelini, advogada especializada em educação digital e autora do livro “Segredos da internet que crianças e adolescentes ainda não sabem”.
“Muitos vídeos são legais e realmente ajudam, como a própria Elisa Bestetti mostra na publicação dela, mas existe uma grande quantidade de conteúdos que são inverídicos, temos as fake news e coisas problemáticas”, diz a especialista.
“Claro que nem sempre eu acho muito confiável pesquisar lá. Em comparação com o Google, eu acho mais fácil de alguém mal-intencionado passar informações erradas. Mesmo assim, as respostas no TikTok, quando verdadeiras, são mais detalhadas e mais esclarecedoras que no Google”, acredita Larissa Figueiredo.
Recentemente, a pesquisa TIC Kids Online Brasil 2023 revelou que 40% das crianças e adolescentes de 11 a 17 anos dizem concordar que o primeiro resultado de uma pesquisa na internet é sempre a melhor fonte de informação.
Para Kelli Angelini, a pesquisa mostra a importância de se trabalhar a checagem de fonte e o senso crítico desse público. “As plataformas não fazem uma verificação séria desses conteúdos”, completa.
Lu Cunha não vê problema em usar as redes sociais para estudar e ela acredita que as plataformas aceleram a informação. Mas faz um alerta:
“Temos que aceitar esses novos métodos. Mas o aluno tem que observar a fonte. Pegar o nome daquela pessoa que está ensinando algo e pesquisar para ver se ela é especialista. Outra opção, ainda melhor, é procurar o professor da escola para consultar se aquilo apresentado está adequado”.
Em sua central de ajuda, o TikTok explica que “remove conteúdo ou contas que violem suas diretrizes antes de serem visualizados ou compartilhados por outras pessoas. O conteúdo passa primeiro por uma tecnologia que o analisa de acordo com nossas diretrizes. Se for identificado como uma potencial violação, ele será removido automaticamente ou marcado para análise adicional por nossa equipe de confiança e segurança”.
Google (até o Instagram) admitem que ‘rede vizinha’ é uma ameaça ⚠️
A Alphabet (dona do Google) e até mesmo a Meta, dona do Instagram, do Facebook e do WhatsApp, sabem que o TikTok é um concorrente difícil.
“As pessoas têm muitas escolhas sobre como querem gastar seu tempo, e apps como o TikTok estão crescendo muito rapidamente. E é por isso que o nosso foco no Instagram Reels é tão importante no longo prazo”, disse Mark Zuckerberg, presidente-executivo da Meta, em 2022.
O Reels permite a gravação de vídeos curtos com efeitos especiais e trilhas sonoras. O formato de edição é bastante parecido com o do TikTok.
Em uma conferência de tecnologia também no ano passado, o vice-presidente sênior do Google, Prabhakar Raghavan, comentou sobre esse movimento, segundo o jornal The New York Times.
“Em nossos estudos internos, algo como quase 40% dos jovens, quando estão procurando um lugar para almoçar, eles não vão ao Google Maps ou à Pesquisa. Eles vão para o TikTok ou Instagram”, disse Raghavan.
Arthur Igreja, especialista em tecnologia e inovação, acredita que o TikTok é uma ameaça ao Google. Segundo ele, as redes sociais avançaram em cima desse espaço que até então era apenas dos buscadores.
Enquanto rola essa “migração de buscador” pelos mais jovens, o Google vem aperfeiçoando sua pesquisa com inteligência artificial. Ainda em ambiente de teste, a gigante começou a liberar no Brasil o recurso que faz a busca exibir respostas em texto (não apenas links), criado com IA.
“O YouTube também se tornou uma ferramenta importante na descoberta e na avaliação. Agora, vemos essa mudança no Instagram e, principalmente, no TikTok”, diz.
Mas não são só as mídias sociais, lembra o especialista. “Por exemplo, no caso dos Estados Unidos, já têm alguns anos que o site da Amazon supera o Google na busca não só por produtos, mas pela comparação de preços e pela análise das características dos produtos em razão dos reviews (análises) de quem já comprou”, diz Igreja.
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Fonte: Folha | G1 | Olhar Digital
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In the endless pursuit for the wellspring of adolescence, discipline has fabricated remarkable strides. One such avenue acquiring foothold is anti-aging endocrine remedy. We will decipher the clandestineness of this revolutionary approach and investigate how it could be the critical to rotating back the hands of time.
Comprehending the Aging Operation
Ahead of digging into counter-aging hormone treatment, it’s crucial to grasp the innate aging operation. We will explore the biological changes that happen as we mature and how endocrines play a critical function in this trek.
The Duty of Endocrines in Aging
Endocrines serve as envoys in our body, regulating diverse functions. We shall confer how endocrinal inconsistencies contribute to the aging operation and the conspicuous signs that denote such imbalances.
Anti-aging hormone treatment is not a fabled elixir however a scientifically-backed involvement. We will delineate what it involves, how it operates, and the promise it contains for those seeking to challenge aging.
Gains and Dangers of Hormone Replacement Treatment
Akin to some clinical intervention, anti-aging endocrinology therapy surfaces alongside its collection of benefits and jeopardies. We’ll weigh the advantages and disadvantages, ensuring you fabricate an educated judgement about seeking this trail.
Kinds of Hormones Used
Counter-aging endocrine treatment entails complementing or replacing specific hormones. We shall fracture down the typical endocrines used, their assignments, and how they give to a additional adolescent condition.
Who Could Benefit from Counter-Aging Endocrinology Therapy?
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Distinguish reality from falsehood by addressing frequent lore encircling counter-aging hormone therapy. Decipher misconceptions that might be impeding individuals from exploring this rejuvenating pathway.
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Regulating anticipations is key. We shall render realistic schedules for witnessing the advantages of counter-aging hormone therapy and set expectations for the step-by-step, yet influential, changes it can convey.
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In conclusion, counter-aging hormone therapy represents a hopeful frontier in the quest of endurance. By tackling endocrine imbalances, individuals can possibly reveal a additional vibrant and vigorous version of themselves.
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What is Anti-Aging Hormone Treatment?
In the endless venture for the fountain of adolescence, discipline has fabricated exceptional strides. One such route gaining foothold is anti-aging endocrinology therapy. We shall untangle the clandestineness of this groundbreaking tactic and explore how it may be the crucial to turning in reverse the pointers of time.
Comprehending the Aging Operation
Before digging into anti-aging endocrine therapy, it’s crucial to grasp the natural aging procedure. We’ll examine the organic changes that happen as we mature and how endocrines play a crucial duty in this trek.
The Function of Endocrines in Aging
Hormones act as envoys in our body, balancing assorted responsibilities. We shall confer how endocrine imbalances add to the aging operation and the perceptible signs that signify such inconsistencies.
Anti-aging endocrinology treatment is not a mythical potion except a methodically-backed intervention. We will delineate what it involves, how it functions, and the promise it holds for those chasing to challenge aging.
Gains and Jeopardies of Hormone Switch Remedy
Akin to some medicinal intervention, anti-aging endocrine treatment arises alongside its set of gains and dangers. We’ll gauge the pros and cons, securing you fabricate an enlightened decision on pursuing this trail.
Forms of Endocrines Employed
Anti-aging endocrine treatment necessitates complementing or substituting precise endocrines. We shall fracture below the common hormones used, their assignments, and how they add to a supplementary youthful status.
Who Could Benefit from Counter-Aging Hormone Remedy?
Is anti-aging endocrinology remedy appropriate for everyone? We’ll explore the people that stand to profit the extremely and those for whom different tactics might be more applicable.
The Discipline After the Treatment
Plunge into the methodical mechanisms that support counter-aging endocrinology therapy. Attain insights into how reinstituting endocrinal equilibrium can affirmatively impact vigor tiers, perceptive responsibility, and overall vitality.
Locating the Accurate Hormone Specialist
Selecting a qualified endocrine expert is paramount. Learn what credentials to look for, questions to ask, and how to discover a professional who understands the niceties of counter-aging hormone remedy.
Individualized Medication Designs
No a couple of people are the equal, and either must their remedy plans be. Explore the meaning of personalized approaches in counter-aging endocrinology treatment for optimal effects.
Way of life Aspects for Endurance
Whilst endocrine therapy performs a significant duty, way of life elements are equally pivotal. Discover routines and drills that complement counter-aging hormone remedy, advancing endurance from within.
Success Tales and Reviews
Real-global success tales can influence assuredness. We’ll share endorsements from persons that retain endured metamorphic conversions through anti-aging endocrine remedy.
Dispelling Legends on Counter-Aging Hormone Remedy
Distinguish truth from fantasy by confronting common legends enveloping counter-aging endocrine therapy. Unravel fallacies that may be hindering persons from examining this renewing route.
Practical Anticipations and Schedules
Managing anticipations is crucial. We shall supply realistic schedules for viewing the advantages of anti-aging hormone treatment and place anticipations for the progressive, yet influential, conversions it can transport.
How to Get Initiated alongside Hormone Substitution Treatment
Set to commence on the journey to a juvenile you? We shall lead you by the steps of getting commenced alongside endocrine replacement treatment, guaranteeing a smooth and educated inauguration.
Combining Remedies for Peak Results
Investigate supplementary therapies that, when integrated accompanied by anti-aging hormone remedy, can amplify the effects. From dietary strategies to mindfulness practices, uncover a holistic strategy to restoration.
In summary, anti-aging hormone therapy signifies a promising border in the venture of endurance. By tackling endocrinal instabilities, people can potentially reveal a more dynamic and animated rendition of themselves.
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What is Anti-Aging Endocrine Treatment?
In the ceaseless quest for the wellspring of youth, discipline has made remarkable leaps. A single such avenue gaining traction is anti-aging hormone therapy. We will decipher the mysteries of this pioneering tactic and examine how it could be the crucial to turning in reverse the pointers of period.
Understanding the Aging Process
Prior to diving into counter-aging hormone remedy, it’s vital to grasp the instinctive aging procedure. We’ll examine the organic transformations that happen as we age and how hormones assume a critical function in this voyage.
The Function of Endocrines in Aging
Endocrines act as messengers in our chassis, regulating diverse assignments. We’ll discuss how endocrine imbalances add to the aging procedure and the perceptible signs that denote such inconsistencies.
Anti-aging endocrinology remedy is no longer a mythical elixir but a methodically-backed interceding. We will define what it entails, how it operates, and the pledge it holds for those seeking to challenge aging.
Gains and Dangers of Endocrine Substitution Treatment
Akin to any clinical involvement, counter-aging endocrinology treatment comes accompanied by its group of benefits and dangers. We shall gauge the advantages and cons, securing you construct an educated judgement on pursuing this road.
Types of Endocrines Employed
Counter-aging endocrine therapy entails complementing or replacing precise hormones. We’ll break below the typical endocrines employed, their functions, and how they give to a more adolescent condition.
Who Could Gain from Counter-Aging Endocrine Therapy?
Is anti-aging hormone remedy fitting for everyone? We will explore the people that rest to gain the very and those for whom secondary tactics might be supplementary applicable.
The Science Behind the Remedy
Submerge into the methodical apparatuses that underpin anti-aging endocrinology therapy. Gain perspectives into how reinstituting hormonal balance can favorably influence vigor tiers, perceptive function, and comprehensive vitality.
Discovering the Right Endocrinology Specialist
Choosing a qualified endocrine expert is paramount. Grasp what accreditations to look for, interrogations to ask, and how to discover a professional that grasps the subtleties of counter-aging endocrine remedy.
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No a pair of individuals are the alike, and either ought their treatment plans be. Examine the significance of personalized tactics in counter-aging endocrine therapy for supreme results.
Lifestyle Factors for Endurance
Although endocrine treatment plays a major duty, way of life elements are likewise vital. Discover routines and drills that accent anti-aging endocrine therapy, furthering endurance from inwardly.
Success Stories and Reviews
Authentic-world achievement narratives can inspire assuredness. We’ll share endorsements from people who retain undergone metamorphic transformations via anti-aging hormone treatment.
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Separate fact from fantasy by addressing frequent lore surrounding anti-aging hormone therapy. Unravel myths that could be hindering people from examining this rejuvenating pathway.
Realistic Hopes and Deadlines
Managing hopes is crucial. We shall provide realistic schedules for observing the gains of anti-aging endocrine treatment and set anticipations for the progressive, yet influential, changes it can bring.
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In conclusion, anti-aging endocrinology remedy constitutes a promising border in the pursuit of endurance. By tackling hormonal imbalances, people can prospectively unlock a more energetic and animated version of independently.
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What is Counter-Aging Hormone Remedy?
In the endless quest for the spring of adolescence, science has constructed exceptional strides. One such avenue acquiring gripping is anti-aging endocrine treatment. We will unravel the secrets of this revolutionary strategy and explore how it can be the crucial to rotating back the hands of duration.
Understanding the Aging Operation
Ahead of delving into counter-aging endocrine remedy, it’s pivotal to grasp the innate aging procedure. We’ll investigate the physiological conversions that occur as we mature and how endocrines play a critical role in this trek.
The Role of Hormones in Aging
Endocrines act as messengers in our body, regulating diverse functions. We will consult how hormonal imbalances add to the aging operation and the perceptible signs that indicate such instabilities.
Counter-aging hormone remedy is no longer a fabled concoction except a scientifically-backed involvement. We’ll characterize what it entails, how it operates, and the promise it grasps for those pursuing to challenge aging.
Benefits and Dangers of Endocrine Switch Remedy
Akin to some medicinal intervention, anti-aging endocrine remedy surfaces accompanied by its collection of gains and dangers. We will gauge the pros and disadvantages, securing you make an informed verdict about pursuing this path.
Types of Hormones Utilized
Counter-aging hormone therapy necessitates supplementing or replacing precise hormones. We will break below the frequent endocrines employed, their assignments, and how they add to a additional youthful condition.
Who Could Profit from Counter-Aging Endocrinology Remedy?
Is anti-aging hormone treatment fitting for everybody? We shall examine the people that rest to profit the most and those for whom different tactics might be supplementary applicable.
The Discipline After the Treatment
Dive into the methodical procedures that underpin anti-aging hormone treatment. Acquire perspectives into how restoring hormonal balance can favorably impact energy levels, cognitive responsibility, and overall dynamism.
Finding the Proper Endocrinology Specialist
Picking a qualified endocrinology expert is foremost. Learn what accreditations to see for, questions to question, and how to locate a expert who understands the subtleties of anti-aging endocrine therapy.
Individualized Medication Schemes
No a couple of persons are the same, and neither should their remedy schemes be. Examine the importance of personalized strategies in anti-aging endocrinology therapy for peak consequences.
Way of life Elements for Durability
Although hormonal treatment plays a substantial function, way of life elements are equally pivotal. Discover habits and drills that supplement counter-aging hormone therapy, advancing endurance from within.
Achievement Stories and Endorsements
Genuine-global success narratives can inspire assuredness. We’ll share reviews from people who retain experienced transformative conversions by anti-aging hormone therapy.
Disproving Myths regarding Counter-Aging Hormone Treatment
Differentiate truth from fiction by confronting frequent legends surrounding counter-aging endocrinology treatment. Decipher misconceptions that might be impeding individuals from examining this rejuvenating avenue.
Pragmatic Hopes and Timelines
Administering hopes is critical. We shall render realistic deadlines for viewing the benefits of counter-aging endocrine remedy and set hopes for the gradual, yet influential, transformations it can transport.
How to Acquire Initiated with Endocrinology Switch Remedy
Ready to start on the journey to a juvenile you? We’ll direct you via the paces of acquiring commenced with endocrinology switch remedy, securing a smooth and enlightened inauguration.
Integrating Therapies for Optimal Consequences
Investigate supplementary remedies that, when combined accompanied by anti-aging endocrinology treatment, can intensify the consequences. From nourishing strategies to mindfulness drills, uncover a holistic tactic to rejuvenation.
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What is Anti-Aging Endocrine Remedy?
In the eternal pursuit for the spring of youth, discipline has made extraordinary leaps. A single such avenue attaining foothold is anti-aging hormone therapy. We shall decipher the secrets of this groundbreaking approach and investigate how it could be the key to turning back the pointers of time.
Grasping the Aging Process
Ahead of diving into counter-aging endocrine remedy, it’s pivotal to comprehend the natural aging procedure. We will examine the physiological changes that transpire as we age and how endocrines adopt a crucial function in this voyage.
The Function of Endocrines in Aging
Endocrines serve as messengers in our body, regulating assorted functions. We will discuss how hormonal inconsistencies add to the aging process and the noticeable portents that denote such instabilities.
Anti-aging endocrine remedy is no longer a mythical elixir however a scientifically-backed interceding. We will characterize what it involves, how it works, and the pledge it contains for those seeking to challenge aging.
Advantages and Jeopardies of Hormone Substitution Remedy
Akin to any clinical involvement, counter-aging endocrine treatment arises alongside its group of advantages and jeopardies. We’ll gauge the pros and cons, ensuring you construct an educated judgement about seeking this path.
Forms of Endocrines Utilized
Anti-aging hormone therapy involves complementing or switching specific endocrines. We’ll fracture below the typical hormones employed, their assignments, and how they add to a additional adolescent state.
Who Can Gain from Anti-Aging Hormone Therapy?
Is anti-aging endocrinology remedy appropriate for all? We shall explore the populations that stand to profit the extremely and those for whom secondary approaches could be supplementary applicable.
The Science Behind the Treatment
Dive into the methodical mechanisms that underpin anti-aging hormone therapy. Attain outlooks into how restoring hormonal equilibrium can affirmatively influence vigor levels, intelligent assignment, and comprehensive vitality.
Discovering the Right Endocrine Expert
Selecting a skilled endocrine expert is supreme. Grasp what qualifications to view for, interrogations to question, and how to find a professional that grasps the subtleties of counter-aging endocrine treatment.
Customized Remedy Designs
No a couple of individuals are the alike, and either should their remedy plans be. Explore the importance of customized strategies in counter-aging endocrine therapy for optimal results.
Lifestyle Elements for Endurance
While endocrinal therapy performs a significant role, way of life aspects are equally crucial. Uncover routines and drills that complement counter-aging endocrinology remedy, advancing endurance from inwardly.
Achievement Narratives and Endorsements
Genuine-world achievement stories can influence certainty. We shall divide testimonials from persons that have experienced transformative conversions via anti-aging endocrinology therapy.
Disproving Myths about Counter-Aging Endocrinology Remedy
Separate reality from fantasy by addressing frequent myths surrounding anti-aging hormone remedy. Decipher fallacies that might be hindering people from exploring this renewing pathway.
Practical Hopes and Deadlines
Administering expectations is crucial. We shall render practical timelines for witnessing the benefits of anti-aging hormone remedy and place hopes for the step-by-step, yet influential, conversions it can convey.
How to Acquire Initiated with Hormone Switch Treatment
Prepared to commence on the trek to a younger you? We’ll lead you through the paces of acquiring started accompanied by hormone substitution remedy, ensuring a smooth and informed initiation.
Integrating Remedies for Optimal Consequences
Investigate complementary remedies that, when assimilated accompanied by anti-aging endocrine treatment, can augment the results. From nourishing tactics to consciousness drills, reveal a comprehensive approach to renewal.
In conclusion, anti-aging hormone remedy constitutes a promising boundary in the quest of endurance. By addressing endocrinal inconsistencies, persons can prospectively reveal a more vibrant and energetic version of themselves.
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This shows that airlines are trying to be more environmentally friendly and cut emissions, but they need government support. The biggest challenges with SAF are high costs and limited materials for SAF production. SAF is three to five times more expensive than regular fuel, and currently, it represents less than 0.1% of global jet fuel. Airlines would like to cut emissions by 70%, but large-scale production is difficult. The flight was the first flight to use 100% SAF, but the process of reducing emissions is much slower than in the car industry.
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What is Anti-Aging Endocrine Therapy?
In the endless quest for the wellspring of adolescence, discipline has constructed exceptional strides. A sole such pathway gaining traction is counter-aging hormone therapy. We shall unravel the mysteries of this pioneering approach and examine how it may be the crucial to turning in reverse the pointers of duration.
Grasping the Aging Process
Before diving into counter-aging endocrinology treatment, it’s crucial to understand the instinctive aging process. We will examine the biological changes that occur as we mature and how hormones adopt a crucial duty in this trek.
The Duty of Hormones in Aging
Hormones act as messengers in our body, modulating assorted functions. We shall confer how endocrinal instabilities add to the aging operation and the noticeable signs that denote such instabilities.
Anti-aging hormone remedy is no longer a fabulous elixir but a scientifically-backed involvement. We shall define what it entails, how it operates, and the promise it contains for those pursuing to defy aging.
Advantages and Dangers of Hormone Replacement Treatment
Like any medicinal intervention, counter-aging endocrinology treatment comes with its set of advantages and dangers. We will weigh the pros and disadvantages, guaranteeing you construct an informed judgement about chasing this path.
Kinds of Hormones Used
Anti-aging endocrine remedy necessitates supplementing or switching precise endocrines. We will break below the typical hormones employed, their functions, and how they add to a supplementary adolescent condition.
Who Can Profit from Anti-Aging Hormone Treatment?
Is counter-aging endocrinology remedy suitable for everybody? We will investigate the people that rest to gain the most and those for whom secondary strategies might be supplementary applicable.
The Science After the Therapy
Dive into the scientific mechanisms that buttress counter-aging hormone remedy. Attain perspectives into how reinstituting hormonal balance can positively affect vigor tiers, perceptive responsibility, and comprehensive energy.
Locating the Accurate Hormone Expert
Selecting a skilled hormone professional is supreme. Discern what accreditations to see for, interrogations to inquire, and how to locate a professional that grasps the niceties of counter-aging endocrine therapy.
Individualized Medication Plans
No a couple of individuals are the same, and either ought their treatment designs be. Examine the significance of individualized tactics in counter-aging endocrine remedy for optimal results.
Lifestyle Elements for Endurance
Whilst endocrine therapy plays a substantial role, way of life factors are likewise vital. Uncover practices and exercises that accent counter-aging endocrine remedy, promoting durability from inwardly.
Achievement Stories and Endorsements
Authentic-world victory tales can motivate certainty. We shall divide endorsements from persons that retain experienced transformative conversions through counter-aging endocrinology remedy.
Dispelling Myths regarding Anti-Aging Endocrinology Therapy
Differentiate fact from fiction by tackling frequent lore surrounding counter-aging endocrinology therapy. Unravel misconceptions that may be impeding individuals from investigating this renewing route.
Realistic Expectations and Schedules
Regulating anticipations is key. We shall provide realistic timelines for viewing the gains of anti-aging endocrinology therapy and put expectations for the step-by-step, yet impactful, conversions it can convey.
How to Get Started accompanied by Hormone Switch Remedy
Ready to embark on the voyage to a younger you? We will direct you through the footfalls of obtaining initiated with endocrine replacement remedy, securing a smooth and informed launch.
Assimilating Treatments for Supreme Consequences
Investigate supplementary remedies that, when assimilated with counter-aging endocrine treatment, can intensify the consequences. From nourishing approaches to mindfulness exercises, reveal a integrated strategy to rejuvenation.
In conclusion, counter-aging hormone treatment signifies a hopeful border in the pursuit of longevity. By confronting endocrine imbalances, individuals can prospectively unlock a supplementary dynamic and animated account of independently.
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What is Anti-Aging Endocrinology Remedy?
In the eternal venture for the spring of youth, discipline has fabricated extraordinary strides. A sole such route gaining traction is anti-aging endocrinology therapy. We shall decipher the clandestineness of this revolutionary tactic and investigate how it may be the key to turning back the hands of duration.
Comprehending the Aging Operation
Prior to diving into counter-aging hormone remedy, it’s pivotal to grasp the natural aging operation. We will investigate the organic changes that occur as we mature and how endocrines assume a pivotal duty in this voyage.
The Function of Endocrines in Aging
Hormones function as messengers in our chassis, balancing various functions. We shall discuss how hormonal inconsistencies give to the aging process and the conspicuous signs that denote such inconsistencies.
Counter-aging endocrinology remedy is not a fabled elixir however a scientifically-backed interceding. We will characterize what it entails, how it functions, and the oath it holds for those chasing to challenge aging.
Benefits and Jeopardies of Endocrinology Switch Remedy
Like any clinical interceding, counter-aging endocrinology treatment comes alongside its group of benefits and dangers. We’ll calculate the pros and disadvantages, securing you construct an educated verdict regarding seeking this trail.
Forms of Hormones Used
Counter-aging hormone remedy entails supplementing or switching defined hormones. We’ll break down the frequent endocrines employed, their assignments, and how they contribute to a more adolescent status.
Who Can Benefit from Counter-Aging Endocrine Remedy?
Is anti-aging endocrine therapy suitable for everybody? We’ll explore the people that rest to gain the very and those for whom secondary approaches could be more suitable.
The Science After the Treatment
Submerge into the scientific procedures that support anti-aging endocrine therapy. Acquire insights into how restoring hormonal balance can affirmatively influence energy tiers, cognitive assignment, and comprehensive energy.
Discovering the Accurate Hormone Professional
Selecting a qualified endocrine expert is foremost. Discern what accreditations to look for, questions to ask, and how to discover a skilled that comprehends the subtleties of anti-aging endocrine treatment.
Customized Remedy Designs
No two individuals are the alike, and neither ought their medication plans be. Examine the importance of customized approaches in counter-aging hormone remedy for supreme consequences.
Way of life Elements for Durability
While endocrine therapy plays a substantial role, lifestyle factors are similarly pivotal. Discover practices and drills that accent counter-aging hormone remedy, promoting durability from within.
Victory Tales and Testimonials
Authentic-world victory stories can influence certainty. We’ll distribute endorsements from people that possess experienced metamorphic conversions via counter-aging hormone therapy.
Debunking Legends on Anti-Aging Endocrine Treatment
Separate reality from fiction by tackling frequent legends enveloping counter-aging endocrinology therapy. Decipher myths that could be impeding individuals from examining this regenerating avenue.
Realistic Hopes and Deadlines
Regulating anticipations is critical. We will render pragmatic timelines for observing the benefits of counter-aging endocrine remedy and place expectations for the progressive, yet effective, transformations it can convey.
How to Acquire Initiated alongside Endocrine Switch Therapy
Prepared to embark on the voyage to a adolescent you? We will direct you via the paces of acquiring started accompanied by hormone replacement treatment, ensuring a seamless and enlightened initiation.
Assimilating Therapies for Optimal Results
Investigate complementary therapies that, when combined alongside counter-aging endocrinology remedy, can amplify the effects. From dietary tactics to consciousness practices, reveal a integrated approach to restoration.
In summary, counter-aging endocrine treatment constitutes a hopeful frontier in the quest of longevity. By tackling hormonal inconsistencies, individuals can prospectively reveal a additional vibrant and energetic rendition of independently.
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Since 1997, Flirt.com has worked with 70 million users, claiming to take them places where their wingmen or own finesse has failed. By helping you find common interests with potential dates and flings, the site gives you the building blocks to get talking, because as they say, “It all starts with flirting.” Their simple name entices you with visions of ready and cute singles eager to get to know you intimately right in your own town. But does this site really help you with your game, or is it all talk and no action?
First Glance
When you first sign up, you’re invited to choose which of two genders you’re attracted to. There’s no trans* option, couples option, or bisexual option, so from the get-go you’re boxed in for what looks like a largely hetero and vanilla hookup site. Whatever you choose, make sure you pick the right one when you sign up, because once you’re a member, there’s no changing who you’re attracted to, leaving bi babes in the dust.
After registering, creating your profile is straightforward and user-friendly. You can put as much (or as little) detail into this section as you’d like, and pick any picture you think will draw those honeys in. As soon as you finish your profile, you’re pinged by a message from the site admin with lots of “special offers” to keep you hooked. From there, you’re all signed up and ready to start meeting the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in your city.
The Dating Pool
From the home screen, Flirt.com promises a wealth of single people right for you. You can filter them by popularity and recent activity. However, you’ll quickly realize that only the first forty-five people or so are available for free, making it a little hard to judge the types of people this site draws in.
If you’re looking for men, though, the first few rows of eligible bachelors makes one thing is clear: you’d better like men who frown. Out of the available matches in the Bay Area, only two had something close to a smile in their profile picture. Most photos were grainy, and there wasn’t much to go on that suggested the matches there would be fun to spend time with.
Maybe the straight men look so down in the dumps because the available women, although more friendly and bubbly-looking, all come with a huge asterisk. The majority of profiles looked fake. As soon as I signed up, women messaged me saying I was “interesting” even though my profile and photo gallery were entirely blank. Most of the women were bots at best, or swindlers at worst, and it was hard to know if there were any real and eligible local women looking to meet.
Unique Perks
In spite of these red flags, Flirt.com does have a few things that make it different from other browser-based dating and hookup sites. You can do the popular Tinder-style swiping from your desktop, so you can browse without having to read their whole profile (or pay for it).
You are allowed to send five free messages daily, and participate in chatrooms like “Naughty but Nice” and “Kink Friendly,” so you can connect to more scintillating content with (potentially) real people in your area.
On top of it all, you can send FlirtCasts. These public messages are sent to multiple active users in the area at once, testing the waters to see who’s interested in a date.
The catch
Frankly, everything about Flirt.com screams “scam.” For offering features that virtually every other dating website offers – and not with any grand improvements – Flirt.com is a money drain that seems to target men over 35 who may be less than tech-savvy.
This website reads like a bad and expensive version of Tinder, and the problems don’t end there. Many men have reported being scammed after signing up. They receive dozens of messages from women, but can’t access them all unless they pay. Once handing their credit card information over to Flirt.com, the river of messages dries up. That’s because most of the messages are from bots, there to stress new users out until they buy credits, and the site then deletes unseen messages after twenty-four hours, giving users little time to consider whether they actually want to pay for the site at all.
And remember that site admin who messages you at the beginning? Well, it keeps coming, promising a “special discount” for access to features – which, if you’d like to use this site, you really need. Only a user’s initial photo, tagline, and name are visible for free. Their bio, interests, and other information all require a membership. The special discount they offer is 30% off of their special prices, but once that discount ends, you’ll be paying…
$1.50/day (or $4.50) for a Three Day Trial
$2.14/day (or ~$64.20) for one month
$0.77/day (or ~$69.30) for three months
$0.62/day (or ~$111.60) for six months
And if you’re still thinking a three-day trial looks harmless, think again. The fine print reads that your three day trial “automatically converts” into a monthly membership, meaning that your $4.50 has just become a recurring $64 a month. To make things worse, Flirt.com makes it very difficult for you to navigate cancellation. Many men report having to go as far as blocking Flirt.com from their cards in order to stop the payments.
User beware! Flirt.com is one site you should stay very far away from. Although it may have started out as a legit dating and hookup site in the ‘90s, it’s devolved into a scam to steal money from men looking for lovin’. There are much better places to find a date, and you don’t need to drain your wallet to get there. I’m giving Flirt.com 1/5 stars.
Flirt.com is a scam
Hi all, got scammed by this website. Saw that there were a couple of post informing about this but just wanted to give more details
Paid for the three day offer and with the confirmation of the subscription, got two mails from hornycontacts.com and loveaholics.com asking me to confirm my email. Didn’t pay attention and deleted them.
I immediately canceled the subscription in flirt.com without any issue and on the last day it changed to a standard membership so since it was bs site, cancelled the account as well.
So I was happy and watching a movie when I got an sms from my card provider telling me that I got a 71.78 euros charge from fry frtlsp.com. Never heard of them, so I called my card provider and cancelled my card and will request the return of the money as well.
Then I realized that maybe these two websites also by some miracle signed me up to a paid subscription… so I logged in… had to recover the passwords because they were not the one I used in flirt.com… and surprise, loveaholics.com did signed me up for a paid subscription without me being aware (pretty sure that somewhere during the signing process in flirt there was something checked and didn’t pay attention.). So I had to cancel subscription and account in these two other sites.
So, sorry for the long post but in summary…. do not use flirt.com at all!!!
Yes, FLIRT.COM it is a scamming website. It sign you on multiple websites like askme4date.com . It bombard you with emails that you receive messages, and you need to pay to see them. After you pay you see the messages. All messages are from BOTS. No real person.
It’s subscribing to automatic renewal and it’s hard to cancel renewal. They push you to a complicated scheme. I’m not even sure the renewal canceling works. After
Flirt.com is a scam
Hi all, got scammed by this website. Saw that there were a couple of post informing about this but just wanted to give more details
Paid for the three day offer and with the confirmation of the subscription, got two mails from hornycontacts.com and loveaholics.com asking me to confirm my email. Didn’t pay attention and deleted them.
I immediately canceled the subscription in flirt.com without any issue and on the last day it changed to a standard membership so since it was bs site, cancelled the account as well.
So I was happy and watching a movie when I got an sms from my card provider telling me that I got a 71.78 euros charge from fry frtlsp.com. Never heard of them, so I called my card provider and cancelled my card and will request the return of the money as well.
Then I realized that maybe these two websites also by some miracle signed me up to a paid subscription… so I logged in… had to recover the passwords because they were not the one I used in flirt.com… and surprise, loveaholics.com did signed me up for a paid subscription without me being aware (pretty sure that somewhere during the signing process in flirt there was something checked and didn’t pay attention.). So I had to cancel subscription and account in these two other sites.
So, sorry for the long post but in summary…. do not use flirt.com at all!!!
Yes, FLIRT.COM it is a scamming website. It sign you on multiple websites like askme4date.com . It bombard you with emails that you receive messages, and you need to pay to see them. After you pay you see the messages. All messages are from BOTS. No real person.
It’s subscribing to automatic renewal and it’s hard to cancel renewal. They push you to a complicated scheme. I’m not even sure the renewal canceling works. After